Moons Rare Books
Akira Six Volume Set
Akira Six Volume Set
5B Katsuhiro Otomo First Editions, 1982 through 1990
The Akira series is a six-volume manga masterpiece written and illustrated by Katsuhiro Otomo, originally serialized from 1982 to 1990. Set in a dystopian Neo-Tokyo, a city rebuilt after a mysterious explosion in 1982 destroyed the original Tokyo, the story combines political intrigue, societal collapse, and cyberpunk aesthetics. It follows two teenage bikers, Kaneda and Tetsuo, whose lives change dramatically after Tetsuo encounters a government-engineered psychic child. This encounter unlocks devastating psychic powers in Tetsuo, drawing him into a conspiracy tied to Akira, a mysterious figure whose godlike abilities caused Tokyo’s destruction.
The six volumes explore themes of power, rebellion, and human potential, set against a backdrop of political corruption and societal decay. Kaneda’s journey to stop Tetsuo’s descent into madness is paralleled by larger conflicts between the military, government, and resistance groups. Alongside these grand conflicts, the series examines personal dynamics, including the strained friendship between Kaneda and Tetsuo and the moral complexities of its supporting characters, such as the resistance leader Kei and the military officer Colonel Shikishima.
Otomo’s cinematic art style is a hallmark of the series, with detailed line work and dynamic paneling that bring Neo-Tokyo’s chaos to life. Each volume escalates the stakes, building tension through explosive action sequences and moments of eerie stillness. The story’s philosophical depth—questioning the nature of power and the consequences of humanity’s ambition—has left a lasting impression on readers.
Akira has had a profound cultural impact, both as a manga and through its 1988 animated film adaptation. The series redefined the cyberpunk genre and influenced countless creators in Japan and beyond, cementing its status as one of the most important works in manga history. With its gripping story, complex characters, and unparalleled artwork, the six-volume Akira series continues to stand as a testament to the power of graphic storytelling.
Original illustrated dust covers and paperback binding still intact on all copies. Each edition has colored edges yellow, blue, orange, purple, green, and red (in order of volumes). Minor foxing to the edges and tear in top right corner of the paperback cover on book one. All volumes in near pristine condition.