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Moons Rare Books

Myths of the Norseman

Myths of the Norseman

Regular price $750.00 USD
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5b 1909  H.A. Guerber First Edition 


"Valhalla, the hall of the slain, where warriors chosen by Odin feasted and prepared for the final battle at the end of time."


The myths of the Norsemen, rooted in ancient Norse mythology, form a rich tapestry of tales that offer insights into the beliefs and cultural heritage of the Norse people. These myths, preserved in the poetic and prose Eddas, delve into the lives and adventures of powerful gods like Odin, Thor, and Freyja, as well as enigmatic beings such as giants, elves, and dwarfs. Central to Norse mythology is the concept of the cosmos as a dynamic and interconnected realm, where gods and mortals alike navigate a complex web of fate and destiny. The myths also explore themes of creation, destruction, and rebirth, encapsulating the Norse worldview. These captivating stories have not only influenced literature and art but have also become a source of fascination for those seeking to understand the cultural and spiritual aspects of the ancient Norse civilization. 


1/4 brown leather with multi colored board.

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